How We Learn at Heronfield
We combine academic rigor with creative exploration.
Our challenging and supportive program is designed for the needs and opportunities of the middle school years.
At Heronfield, we’re committed to providing purposeful academic experiences and developing young people who contribute to their communities in caring, informed, and meaningful ways. Learning and growing in a supportive and nurturing environment, students develop the habits of mind and personal skills that build a foundation for their success.
Working with teachers dedicated to these vibrant years, Heronfield students embrace the process of learning, open themselves to new challenges, and collaborate with others. Our developmentally-rich curriculum is based on the need to expose, explore and expand our student’s knowledge and experience through an array of subject areas: English, humanities, mathematics, music, physical education, science, Spanish and TEA (technology, engineering and art).

Our teachers are experts in middle school education, and they carefully design a program in each subject area that engages and captivates the growing mind. Students learn through doing as they acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to understand problems and approach challenges with confidence. Teachers work side-by-side with students, guiding their growth, and helping each one reach their full potential.

We encourage students to take risks in their learning, to dive further into life’s complexities, and to juggle multiple perspectives as they consider and connect ideas. We see them building on new knowledge as they form new conclusions, often surprising teachers with the questions they ask. At Heronfield, creative thought is valued over rote memorization, challenges become opportunities, and each student discovers their own experiences and their own academic journey.

The Heronfield Experience meets students at their own level, yet provides opportunities for each person and each class to push further, to ask deeper and more meaningful questions. The layered and intersecting curriculum of each subject encourages our students to make connections between disciplines. A wider world awaits our graduates, and we know that the experiences they will have in our classrooms and on our campus will ensure that they are deeply prepared for high school and beyond, and that they will engage in their future with confidence and purpose.